Minimal Effective Training Doses

We often hear the misconception that more is always better when it comes to training. “No Pain, No Gain” etc.
However, the truth is that minimal effective training doses can be just as, if not more, beneficial for achieving optimal results long term.
What exactly do I mean by minimal effective doses? It refers to the minimum amount of training needed to produce a desired result. In other words, it’s about the efficiency and the effectiveness in your workouts.
The easiest thing to do is add volume by doing more sessions or longer sessions. If you can get results from less invested time, you can then always add more when its needed. If you go full hammer six days a week to start and then plateau, then where do you go from there?
Using Minimal effective doses, also allows us time for improvement of different areas of fitness and personal development in other areas of life.
By focusing on the quality of your training rather than just the quantity, you can maximize your return on investment, yeilding results while minimizing the risk of burnout and injury. This approach also allows for better recovery, which is crucial for building athleticism, strength and muscle.